Present Witness

An online resource making an apologetic defense of God’s enduring promise to Israel and the Jewish people. Through His covenantal fidelity to the Jewish people God will consummate His promise and plans to all humanity, first to the Jew but equally to the Gentile.

What We Do

We translate theological concepts into popular language, helping a wider audience access important ideas. We also provide perspective into our cultural moment concerning Israel & the Jewish people and how this relates to the church. Lastly, we magnify the incredible contributions that Jewish people have made into our shared human experience through their contributions in art, music, inventions, scientific discovery and humor.  We do this through various media: articles, video, conferences, debates, and short form and long form mixed media content.  

We do all of this to bring honor to the ultimate Israelite, Jesus and to bring honor to the God of Israel.

About Present Witness

“The God of Israel is The Firm Foundation and inescapable predicament of Christian theology. Pursued without reference to the God of Israel, Christian theology is hopelessly exposed to the charge of being mere vanity, for the gospel about Jesus is credible only if predicated on a living God who “gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist”. But pursued with reference to the God of Israel, Christian theology is immediately engaged in a fight for it’s life, pressed on every side by perplexities and difficulties with which it must wrestle but which it cannot master. Not least among these perplexities is that Christian theology serves an overwhelming gentile church that exists alongside another community, the Jewish people, who also glorifies the God of Israel but which cannot hear the gospel tidings of the living God.”

— Kendall Soulen, The God of Israel and Christian Theology


The Hatred of the jew, in the last analysis, is the hatred of God. And the jew, no matter how alienated and apostate, is still the physical symbolic representative of the God of israel, the god of jacob

— art katz